Η Δυτική πολιτική στα βαλκάνια και η Ελληνική αντίληψη του «από βορρά» κίνδυνου στην καμπή του Ψυχρού Πολέμου (1949-1967): διακυμάνσεις σχέσεων με Αλβανία, Γιουγκοσλαβία και Βουλγαρία.
Western policy in the Balkans and the Greek concept of "North" risk in the watershed of the cold war (1949-1967): fluctuating relations with Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
Western policy in the Balkans and the Greek concept of "north" risk at the turn of the Cold War (1949-1967): fluctuations relations with Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
The concept of western politics and the western politics. "The change of the cold war period (1949 - 1967) of the northern basin: Albania, Yugoslavia and bulgaria.