111. Ενόψει δε της εν γένει συναλλακτικής συμπεριφοράς της «MEDTRONIC  μετάφραση - 111. Ενόψει δε της εν γένει συναλλακτικής συμπεριφοράς της «MEDTRONIC  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

111. Ενόψει δε της εν γένει συναλλα

111. Ενόψει δε της εν γένει συναλλακτικής συμπεριφοράς της «MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.», και των λοιπών εταιρειών του ομίλου Medtronic, όπως αυτή ερμηνεύεται σύμφωνα με την καλή πίστη και την εν γένει συναλλακτική πρακτική και μεταξύ των άλλων ιδίως ενόψει: α) της μακροχρόνιας σχέσης μας με τον όμιλο Medtronic, β) της καλής και επιτυχημένης μέχρι τότε εμπορικά «συνεργασίας» μας, γ) των επανειλημμένων αναγνωρίσεων περί «ισότιμης» συνεργασίας μας, δ) των διαρκών αναφορών εκ μέρους εκπροσώπων και στελεχών των εταιρειών του ομίλου και ιδίως της «MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.» περί μακροχρόνιας «συνέχισης» της συνεργασίας μας και «επέκτασής της» και σε άλλα προϊόντα, ε) της διακηρυσσόμενης και αποδεδειγμένα εφαρμοσθείσας «αρχής του ενιαίου της Medtronic», δηλαδή της κοινής και συντονισμένης δράσης και ευθύνης όλων των θυγατρικών εταιρειών του ομίλου, στ) της συμφωνίας παροχής από την εταιρεία μας δάνειας πείρας και τεχνογνωσίας προς την «MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.» για την απ κοινού διεκδίκηση του διαγωνισμού Ε.Π.Υ. 08/2010 για την προμήθεια προϊόντων αγγειοπλαστικής στα ελληνικά δημόσια νοσοκομεία για δύο έτη από την υπογραφή της συμβάσεως με την Ε.Π.Υ., ζ) των συμφωνιών για την συμμετοχή της εταιρείας μας στον διαγωνισμό Ε.Π.Υ. 02/2010 και την διετή προμήθεια των ελληνικών δημοσίων νοσοκομείων με προϊόντα ρύθμισης καρδιακού ρυθμού, και η) σε όλη εν γένει την μέχρι και το 2012 συνάδουσα με τα ανωτέρω συμπεριφορά της «MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.», μεταξύ άλλων δε ιδίως στην όψιμη επέκταση της αποκλειστικής συνεργασίας μας και στα προϊόντα επεμβατικής αντιμετώπισης της νεφρικής υπέρτασης [RDN] τον Αύγουστο του 2011, περιστατικά όλα αναφέρονται ειδικά σε άλλα σημεία της παρούσας, η εταιρεία μας έδωσε πίστη στις υποσχέσεις των εκπροσώπων και των στελεχών της «MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.», αλλά και των στελεχών αλλοδαπών εταιρειών του ομίλου, που από κοινού με τον κ. Robert (Rob) Ten Hoedt, ως απώτερο προϊστάμενο πωλήσεων σε όλη την περιοχή δραστηριότητας της εταιρείας μας, συγκαθόριζαν την γενικότερη στρατηγική του ομίλου Medtronic στην εγχώρια αγορά, και παρά τους ενδοιασμούς της συνέχισε την συνεργασία. – Δυστυχώς όμως η εμπιστοσύνη μας προδόθηκε και, ενώ οι κίνδυνοι προέκυψαν και επέφεραν σοβαρές ζημίες στην εταιρεία μας, οι υποσχέσεις δεν τηρήθηκαν.
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
111. View is the overall transactional behavior of «medtronic hellas sa», and the other group companies medtronic,as interpreted in accordance with good faith and general business practice among the other especially in view of: a) long-term relationship with our group medtronic,b) good and commercially successful until then 'cooperation' our c) repeatedly acknowledged the "equivalence" our cooperationd) ongoing reporting by EU representatives and executives in the group and in particular «medtronic hellas sa» the term "continuation" of our cooperation and "expansion" and other productse) professed and proven the applied "principle of uniformity of medtronic», ie the joint and coordinated actions and responsibilities of all the subsidiaries of the group,f) the Supply Agreement by our company loan experience and expertise to the «medtronic hellas sa» to jointly claim the competition E.P.Y.08/2010 for the supply of pottery in Greek public hospitals for two years from the signing of the contract with E.P.Y., g) agreements for participating in our contest E.P.Y.02/2010 and the two-year supply of Greek public hospitals with cardiac rhythm management products, and h) throughout in general until 2012 is consistent with the above behavior «medtronic hellas sa»,inter alia especially in late expansion of our exclusive partnership and invasive treatment of renal hypertension [rdn] in August 2011,all incidents specifically mentioned elsewhere in this contract, the company gave us faith in the promises of representatives and executives «medtronic hellas sa», and executives of foreign companies in the group,which together with Mr. robert (rob) ten hoedt, ultimate sales manager throughout the area of ​​activity of our company, sygkathorizan the overall group strategy medtronic domesticallyand despite the misgivings of continued cooperation. - Unfortunately, our trust was betrayed, and while the risks incurred and caused serious damage to our company, promises not kept.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
111. in view of the trading conduct generally of "MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.", and other companies of the Group Medtronic, as interpreted in accordance with the good faith and General transactional practice and among others particularly in view: a) of our long-term relationship with the group, Medtronic, b) of good and successful until then our commercial "co-operation", c) of repeated recognition on "equal" our cooperation, d) petitions on behalf of the permanent representatives and executives of the companies of the Group and in particular of "MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A." on long-term "continuation" of our cooperation and expansion of ' and ' other products, e) of diakiryssomenis and proven "principle put in place of the single of Medtronic, the joint and coordinated action and responsibility of all the Group's subsidiaries, f) provide our daneias company experience and know-how to "MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A." for IE together claiming contest is open 08/2010 for the supply of products of pottery in Greek public hospitals for two years after the signing of the contract with the PC lab, g) of the agreements for our company's participation in the contest is open 02/2010 and a two-year supply of Greek public hospitals with heart rate, regulating products and) across generally until 2012 synadoysa with the above behavior of "MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.", inter alia, especially in late expansion of our exclusive partnership and Interventional products treatment of renal hypertension [RDN] in August 2011, incidents all specifically mentioned elsewhere in this, the company gave us faith in promises of representatives and executives of "MEDTRONIC HELLAS S.A.», but also executives of foreign companies of the group, jointly with Mr. Robert (Rob) Ten Hoedt, as a sales manager in the whole area of activity of our company, sygkathorizan the overall strategy of the group in the domestic market, Medtronic and despite the qualms of continued cooperation. – Unfortunately, our trust has been betrayed and, while the risks encountered and resulted in severe damage to our company, the promises have not been kept.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
111. In view of the generally transaction behavior of "Medtronic Hellas S.A. ", and the other companies of the group Medtronic,As interpreted in accordance with the good faith and the generally transaction practice and among the other view in particular: (a) long-term relationship with the group Medtronic,(b) the good and successful until then commercial "cooperation" us, (c) the repeated recognition on "Equal" our cooperation,(d) ongoing reports by representatives and managers of companies of the group, and in particular the "Medtronic Hellas S.A. " on long-term "continuation" of our cooperation and "expansion" and other products,(e) the διακηρυσσόμενης and proven uncritical "principle of the uniqueness of Medtronic", i.e. the common and coordinated action and responsibility on the part of all the subsidiaries of the group,(f) the agreement of the company δάνειας our experience and know-how to the "Medtronic Hellas S.A. " for the common claim of tender E. O. Y.08/2010 for the supply of products pottery in Greek public hospitals for two years from the signing of the contract with the E. O. Y. , g) of agreements for the participation of the company in our contest E. O. Y.02/2010 and the two-year supply of Greek public hospitals with products regulating heart rate, and the) throughout generally up to 2012 consistent with the above behavior of "Medtronic Hellas S.A. ",Among other things, in particular to the late extension of exclusive our cooperation and the invasive devices for dealing with renal hypertension (RDN) in August 2011,All incidents referred to specifically in other parts of this, the company gave us faith in the promises made by the representatives and officials of "Medtronic Hellas S.A. ", but also the officials foreign companies of the group,That together with Mr Robert (Rob) Ten Hoedt, as ultimate head sales throughout the area of activity of our company, συγκαθόριζαν the overall strategy of the group Medtronic on the domestic market,And despite the reservations of continued cooperation. - Unfortunately, our confidence has been betrayed and, while the risks have arisen and bring about serious damage to our company, the promises are not fulfilled.
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