και οι δύο είμαστε επιφυλακτικοί . Πιστεύω όμως οτι και οι δύο έχουμε την ανάγκη να βρούμε έναν σύντροφο που θα ζήσουμε μαζί του με ευτυχία . και νομίζω οτι δεν απέχουμε πολύ απο αυτό τον στόχο
both are skeptical. But I believe that they both have the need to find a mate who will live together in happiness. and I think that we are not far from this goal
Both are skeptical. I do believe, though, that the two we have the need to find a partner who will live together with happiness. and I think that we are not a very from this objective