Συγχαρητήριο πιστοποιητικό αξιολόγησης από το Στρατηγείο των Αμερικανών (Ηeadquarter Kosovo Force Rear) στην περιοχή των Σκοπίων για τις επιχειρήσεις που έλαβα μέρος στην περιοχή του Κοσσυφοπεδίου.
Congratulatory certificate from the American Headquarters (Kosovo Force Rear Ieadquarter) in the area of Skopje for companies that took part in the Kosovo region.
Congratulatory assessment certificate from the Headquarters of Americans (Ieadquarter Kosovo Force Rear) to Skopje region for companies that took part in the Kosovo region.
Congratulations on the identification certificate issued by the headquarters (ETA eadquarter Kosovo, the U.S. team in the Skopje area) of the enterprises to participate in the Kosovo area.