2.05. Σε περίπτωση που ο ΑΓΟΡΑΣΤΗΣ καταστεί υπερήμερος ως προς την προσήκουσα πληρωμή οιασδήποτε εκ των ανωτέρω δόσεων του πιστουμένου τιμήματος, καθίσταται αυτόματα ληξιπρόθεσμο και απαιτητό το σύνολο του υπολειπομένου τιμήματος.
2.05. If the BUYER make default in payment of the appropriate any of the above doses of Credited considerationautomatically becomes due and payable the entire residual price.
2.05. in case the BUYER become overdue as to the adequate payment of any of the above doses of pistoymenoy consideration, automatically becomes overdue and charged the entire ypoleipomenoy price.
2.05 . In the event that the buyer be owed to the appropriate payment any of the above doses of recipient price,Automatically becomes due and payable the whole then unspecified price.