ο κάτωθι δημότης είναι εγγεγραμμένος στο Δημοτολόγιο του Δήμου μαραθωνος, στην 5727 (πρωην 833) οικογενειακή μερίδα του Δημοτολογίου και σειρα 4 με τα κατωθι στοιχεια
the following citizen is registered in the Register of the municipality of marathwnos, at 5727 (proin 833) family portion of the Population and series 4 with katwthi elements
the following citizen registered in the register of the municipality of Marathon in 5727 (formerly 833) family register of Registration and Series 4 with the following information
The following citizen is registered with the population register of the Municipality μαραθωνος, in 5727 (former 833) family portion of Δημοτολογίου and row 4 with as follows data