Έκφρασε ελεύθερα την γνώμη σου για αυτό το θέμα Συνέχισε τα μαθήματα σου για να πάμε έξω το βράδυ Προσπαθώ να τα πάω καλά με όλους τους συμμαθητές μου Αυτή είναι πολύ κομψή κάθε φορά που πάει στην δουλεία της Ο Μπόμπ είναι κοντός και γεροδεμένος
Hoped to free your opinion on this topic It continued lessons to go out in the eveningI try to get along with all my classmates This is very elegant every time you go to the slavery of The Bob is short and stocky
Freely express your opinion on this issue continued your classes to go out at night I try to get along with all my classmates This is very stylish every time you go to the bondage of The Bob is short and stocky
Free to express your views on this issue.Continue to teach you to go out at nightI would like to get along with the studentsIt"s very elegant every time to go to a slaveBob is short and strong.