ΕΝΑ ΦΑΝΤΑΣΤΙΚΟ ΤΑΞΙΔΙ Μια μέρα ήμουν ξαπλωμένη στο κρεβάτι και διάβαζα μετάφραση - ΕΝΑ ΦΑΝΤΑΣΤΙΚΟ ΤΑΞΙΔΙ Μια μέρα ήμουν ξαπλωμένη στο κρεβάτι και διάβαζα Αγγλικά πώς να το πω



Μια μέρα ήμουν ξαπλωμένη στο κρεβάτι και διάβαζα ένα βιβλίο για το
Διάστημα. Ξαφνικά είδα τον πύραυλο που ήταν ζωγραφισμένος στη σελίδα να
κουνιέται! Βγήκε από το βιβλίο και στάθηκε μπροστά στο κρεβάτι μου!
Μια τεράστια πόρτα άνοιξε κι εγώ μπήκα μέσα. Στο διαστημόπλοιο
βρίσκονταν κι άλλοι αστροναύτες. Εκείνοι μου είπαν ότι πηγαίνουμε στο
φεγγάρι για να το εξερευνήσουμε! Ξεκινήσαμε το μεγάλο μας ταξίδι!
Σε λίγα λεπτά βρεθήκαμε στο διάστημα. Δεν ήμαστε, όμως, κοντά στο
φεγγάρι. Πρώτα έπρεπε να περάσουμε από το Γαλαξία. Ο Γαλαξίας ήταν κάτι
σαν έναν κύκλο από αστέρια πάνω στον ουρανό. Μια υπέροχη εικόνα! Έβλεπα
από το τζάμι του διαστημόπλοιου μυριάδες μικρά άσπρα άστρα, σαν ανθούς,
σκορπισμένα τριγύρω.
Επόμενος σταθμός ήταν η περιοχή με τους μεγάλους μετεωρίτες. Φοβήθηκα
όταν μου το είπαν. Όταν πλησιάσαμε, κατάλαβα τι ήταν. Τρεις τεράστιες
πέτρες γύριζαν γύρω γύρω τσακίζοντας ό,τι περνούσε ανάμεσά τους. Εμείς,
όμως, περάσαμε σαν βολίδα. Έτσι γλιτώσαμε τον κίνδυνο.
Ύστερα φτάσαμε στους πλανήτες. Φανταστική εικόνα! Τα δαχτυλίδια του
Κρόνου ήταν ροζ κι άστραφταν. Η Αφροδίτη έμοιαζε να είναι από ατόφιο
χρυσάφι. Ο Πλούτωνας βγαλμένος από τα πιο γαλάζιο νερά των ωκεανών. Ο
Ερμής από τα πιο αφράτα σύννεφα.
Όμως τότε με κάποιο μαγικό τρόπο βγήκα από τον πύραυλο και έπεσα
πάνω στο κρεβάτι μου! Έτρεξα στη βιβλιοθήκη μου και πήρα το βιβλίο που
διάβαζα πριν φύγω. Ήθελα να διαβάσω τη συνέχεια, αν μπόρεσαν οι φίλοι μου
να εξερευνήσουν το διάστημα... Τα είχαν καταφέρει!
Μ’ αυτές τις σκέψεις αποκοιμήθηκα γλυκά. Ήταν ένα φανταστικό ταξίδι
που αποκλείεται να ξεχάσω
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
A FANTASTIC JOURNEYVagia Liami, 3rd grade One day I was lying in bed and I was reading a book aboutSpace. Suddenly I saw the rocket that was painted on the page toshaken! The book came out and stood in front of my bed! A huge door opened and I walked inside. In spacecraftwere other astronauts. They told me that going inMoon to explore! We started our big trip!Lift off ... In a few minutes we were in space. We were not, however, close toMoon. First we had to move from the Galaxy. The Galaxy was somethinglike a circle of stars on the sky. A wonderful picture! I was watchingfrom the glazed space ship's myriad small white stars, like flowers,strewn around. Next stop was the area with large meteors. I was scaredWhen I was told. When we approached, I realized what it was. Three hugestones roamed around folding what passed between them. We,However, we spent like fireball. So didn't risk. Then we got to the planets. Fantastic picture! The rings ofSaturn was pink and glistening. Venus seemed to be from solidGold. Pluto turned out by the more blue ocean waters. TheHermes from the most fluffy clouds. But then with some magical way I came out of the rocket and fellonto my bed! I ran to my library and I got the bookI was reading before I left. I wanted to read the sequel, if you were my friendsto explore the space ... Had accomplished! With these thoughts I fell asleep candy. It was a fantastic journeyYou may forget
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Vagia Liam, third grade
One day I was lying in bed and reading a book about
space. Suddenly I saw the rocket that was painted on the page to be
shaken! He came from the book and stood in front of my bed!
A huge door opened and I walked in. The spacecraft
were astronauts and others. They told me that they go to the
moon to explore! We started our big trip!
we took off ...
In a few minutes we were in space. We were not, however, close to the
moon. First we had to go through the galaxy. The Milky Way was something
like a circle of stars in the sky. A wonderful picture! I watched
from the window of the spacecraft myriad small white stars, like blossoms,
scattered around.
Next stop was the area with large meteorites. I was scared
when I said it. When we approached, I realized what it was. Three enormous
stones turned around snapping everything in between. We,
however, spent hurtling. Thus spared the risk.
After we arrived on the planets. Fantastic picture! The rings of
Saturn was pink and glistening. Venus seemed to be made ​​of pure
gold. Pluto pulled out of the most blue ocean waters. The
Hermes of the most fluffy clouds.
But then magically I came out of the rocket and I fell
on my bed! I ran to my library and I got the book that
I read before I left. I wanted to read out then if my friends were able
to explore space ... These were accomplished!
With these thoughts I fell asleep sweetly. It was a fantastic trip
excluded forget
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
A fantastic JOURNEY (it reaches Vagia . It is Λιάμη, C-grade
one day I was lying in bed and i read a book on the transaction time. Suddenly I saw the missile that was ζωγραφισμένος page to (shake!It emerged from the workshop and stood in front of the my bed!) a huge door opened and i walked in. The spaceship, were other astronauts. They told me that we are going to
Moon to explore! We started our long ταξίδι!
Απογειωθήκαμε ... within a few minutes we found ourselves in time. We have not, however, near the wine moon. First we had to move from the galaxy. The Galaxy was something
As a circle of stars on the sky. A wonderful picture! I saw (from the window of a myriad small white stars, as into florets, scattered around.Next station was the area with the large meteors. (I was scared off when i was told. When we were closer, I realized what it was. Three huge stones (they got around τσακίζοντας everything between them. We, however,We spent like βολίδα. So we escaped the danger.
after we arrived on the planet gears. Fantastic picture! The rings of Cronos was pink and άστραφταν. The Aphrodite seemed to be solid (gold.The Πλούτωνας removed from the blue waters of the oceans. The Hermes, one of the most fluffy clouds.
but then with a magical way stepped out of the rocket fell (on my bed!I ran down to my library and got the book (which i read before I leave. I would like to read the following, if possible my friends (to explore the time ... The had failed!
these thoughts I fell asleep sweets.It was a fantastic trip (to exclude forget
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