Να διορθωθούν κατ’ αντιστοιχία οι ονομαστικές ισχύεις των Μετασχηματιστών Διανομής Ισχύος 20KV/420V, που τροφοδοτούν οι διακόπτες CB/3, CB/4, CB/5 και CB/6, καθώς επαναλαμβάνεται σε όλους η ίδια ονομαστική τιμή των 500KVA.
Be corrected by matching the rated power of transformers Distributor power 20KV / 420V, supplying the switches CB / 3, CB / 4, CB / 5 and CB / 6, as repeated in all the same nominal value of 500KVA.
To correct the nominal power of the 20KV/420V distribution transformers, powering the switches CB/3, CB/4, CB/5 and CB/6, as the same nominal value of 500KVA is repeated at all.
Correct accordingly the nominal power of the power transducers 20KV/420V powered by the switches CB/3, CB/4, CB/5 and CB/6, as the same nominal value of 500KVA is repeated to all.<br>