μιλησα με την Ελένη μου είπε θα πατε για φαγητό Παρασκευή όποτε θα έρθω και εγώ μπορούμε όμως να πιούμε ένα καφε αυριο το πρωί αν θέλεις και μπορεις θες να έρθω απο εκει μπορώ κατα τις 10 και 30
I spoke with Helen told me to get to lunch Friday when I'll come too but we can drink a coffee tomorrow morning if you want and you want to come from there can in the 10 and 30
I spoke with Helen told me would you go for lunch Friday when I will come and I but we can drink a coffee tomorrow morning if you want and you want to come from there I at 10 and 30
Μιλησα with Helena he told me that he shouldn't go for food Friday whenever i will come and i can we have a brown's growth in the morning if you want and we want to come from there i can during the 10 and 30