We retailer with leather shoes and accessories (handbags, wallets, belts) for women and men. We buy only products directly from factories and distribution in the European market and to Greece directly from manufacturers. We pay our orders with the money transfer process in the bank account of the company our supplier and our orders received by our partner transportation company.
We like your shoe style we saw in your company website and want to cooperate with you. I urge tell us about your wholesale price list.
We have chosen a style pkTheloume choose shoes that are only made of leather and suede not by imitation leather suede so please want to help us and give us information on the following: 1 . some shoe styles you write that are made of a material: "ante". the ante type material is leather like suede / serraje? this is the imitation leather?.
I apologize for the delay but I was on business abroad. .Simera Will pay our order for this please send me the invoice without shipping costs because our order will be receiving from your warehouse our partner transportation company in Spain. Please for planning our orders we would like to know if you give us a discount on your products. Today we pay our order. We paid our order in Piraeus bank. afternoon will send you a notification, email, the order payment of Piraeus bank to your bank.
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