Λοιπόν, όταν γίνουν καλά τα μάτια μου,το αποφάσισα, θα σου στείλω μία selfie. Αυτό που θέλω να σου πω είναι δεν έχω καμία σχέση, με την εικόνα που εσύ φαντάζεσαι και που έχεις δημιουργήσει στο μυαλό σου.
Well, when my eyes get well, I decided, I'll send a selfie.What I want to tell you is I have no relationship with the image that you can possibly imagine and which you have created in your mind.
Well, when well done my eyes, I decided, I will send you a selfies. What I can tell you is I have nothing to do with the image that you imagine and you have created in your mind.
So when they become good in my eyes, I decide, I want to send you a selfie.What I want to tell you is that I have nothing to do with what you imagine and what you create in your mind.