Τα πιο κάτω άτομα είναι εγγεγραμένοι στο δημοτολόγιο του Δήμου Φαιστού, στην 1111 (πρώην 333 της δημοτικής ενότητας Τυμπακίου)οικογενειακή μερίδα του δημοτολογίου με τα κάτωθι στοιχεία
The following individuals are registered in the register of the municipality of Phaistos, in 1111 (formerly 333 municipal section of Timbaki) family portion of the population with the following elements
The following people are registered in the population register of the municipality Phaistos, in 1111 (formerly section 333 of the Municipal Timpaki) family register of the register with the following information
The following people are listed in population registers of the Municipality of Phaistos, in 1111 (former 333 municipal unity Tympakioy)family share δημοτολογίου with the following elements