Κι όλοι αυτοί που σε πικράνανε, από ψηλά αν τους κοιτάξεις θα σου φανούν τόσο ασήμαντοι, που στη στιγμή θα τούς ξεχάσεις Ποιότητα λέμε !!! ( πάρε και μια τζούρα από Αθήνα)
And all those who in pikranane, from above if you lookI'll look so insignificant, that in time you will forget them Quality we say!!! (PARE and a tzoura from Athens)
And all those in embitter, from above if you look at them you will look as insignificant, which in time will forget Quality say !!! (Take a puff from Athens)
And all those in πικράνανε, from high if you look, you will be seen as irrelevant, which in time will forget about the quality we say !!! (wheeling and a τζούρα from Athens)