Το φόρεμα που φοράω, το είχα αγοράσει στο γάμο της κόρης της Έφης, μου αρέσουν περισσότερο τα απλά πράγματα,τα καθημερινά, αρκεί να ξέρει κανείς, να τα εκτιμά και να τα σέβεται.
The dress I wear, I had purchased at the wedding of the daughter of Effie, I like more the simple things, the everyday, as long as one knows, appreciates and respects.
The dress I'm wearing, I'd buy the wedding of her daughter Effie, I like more the simple things, everyday, enough to know, to appreciate and respect them.
The clothes I wear, I bought Phi ETA save at his daughter"s wedding, I prefer something simple, every day, you need to know, to appreciate and respect.