Good Morning Natasja what to reach Messene; 'i am ok ESY;a great TYM!it!a moment why Carl Sandburg? 'Φευγω because i have job/task what you want;To μιλησουμε i want and no to φυγεις! 'and what we woiuld be? '- yours ... 'on what?
Concerning the school to the job/task!) Now δουλευω! 'Which? 'home rather δουλειες of house!The δουλειες the house not τελειωνουν ever!The i every three and briefly runs around δουλειες rather!) to βοηθησω; 'what? 'that to yes!
Kitchinette; 'I am 23 year old and rather δουλειες the house by my 8 years! 'Well done!Ξερεις to μαγειρευεις;
a i no many why? 'I want you to μαθω φτιαχνεις φαγητα!what materials? 'Why no;
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