Ουδείς Σύμβουλος δικαιούται να αρνηθεί την υπογραφή των πρακτικών της συνεδριάσεως στην οποία έλαβε μέρος, μπορεί όμως να απαιτήσει την αναγραφή στα πρακτικά της γνώμης του εφόσον διαφωνεί προς τη λαμβανόμενη απόφαση.
No Councillor shall be entitled to refuse the signing of the minutes of the meeting in which he participated, but may require the indication in the record of the opinion if it disagrees with the decision taken.
None Consultant is entitled to refuse to sign minutes of the meeting in which he participated, but may require the inclusion in the minutes of the opinion if he disagrees with the decision taken.
No consultant shall be entitled to refuse to sign the minutes of the meeting in which it took part,But it may also require the inclusion in the minutes of the opinion if it disagrees with the decision taken.