Μετά την δουλειά,πήγα για τσίπουρο, με φίλους. Είμαι πολύ κουρασμένη, αλλά έχει τέτοιο κέφι και γέλιο , που δεν περιγράφεται( μπορεί σε λίγο, να μας διώξουν). Έπρεπε να βρισκόσουν εδώ.
After work, I went to raki with friends. I'm very tired, but having that fun and laughter, that is not described (in a bit, letting us banish). Had to be you were here.
After work, I went raki with friends. I am very tired, but having such fun and laughter, not described (can in a moment, to throw us out). I had to be here.