αφού παρακολούθησε και περάτωσε με επιτυχία τις σπουδές του στο τμήμα τουριστικών επιχειρήσεων της σχολής διοίκησης και οικονομίας του τεχνολογικού εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος μας, κρίθηκε άξιος του πτυχίου τούτου την
having attended and successfully completed his studies at the Department of tourism management of the Faculty of management and economics of technological educational Institute, was deemed worthy of the degree
he attended and successfully completed his studies at the department of tourism business administration school and economy of our technological educational institute, was worthy of the degree result
After reading and the end of the academic success of the tourism enterprise and Economic Management Institute of science and technology education institutions degree, we think it is worth it.