γιατί το σαββατοκύριακο προσπαθούσα να εξηγήσω στο γιό μου την γραμματική των ελληνικών...και δεν μπορούσα να δώσω εξηγήσεις, γιατί πρέπει ένα παιδί 8 χρονών πρέπει να μάθει τους χρόνους των ρημάτων στα αρχαία ελληνικα τόσο νωρίς
because the weekend was trying to explain to my son the grammar of English ... moreand I couldn't give an explanation, why should a kid 8 year old must learn the times of verbs in ancient Greek so early
because the weekend trying to explain to my son the grammar of Greek ... and I could not explain myself, why should a child 8 years old must learn their times of verbs in ancient GREEK so early
'because the weekend I was trying to explain to my son the grammar of Greek ... and I could give you an explanation,Why should a child 8 years old needs to learn the verb tenses in ancient Greek so early