Η εταιρεία επιβεβαιώνει ότι έχει λάβει από τον Στέφανο το ποσό των 5.000 Ευρώ ως τμηματική αμοιβή, αντί του συνολικού τιμήματος των 10.000 Ευρώ για την κατασκευή του
The company confirms that it has received from Stephen the amount of Euro 5,000 as partial payment instead of the total price of 10,000 Euros for the construction of
The company confirms that it has received from Stefano the amount of 5,000 euros as a partial fee, instead of the total price of 10,000 euros for the construction of the
The company confirms that it has received from Stephano the amount of 5.000 euros as a partial remuneration instead of the total price of 10.000 euros for its construction<br>