Καλά, δεν έχω γράψει, ούτε μία πρόσκληση.Μόλις,κούρεψα και έκανα μπάνι μετάφραση - Καλά, δεν έχω γράψει, ούτε μία πρόσκληση.Μόλις,κούρεψα και έκανα μπάνι Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Καλά, δεν έχω γράψει, ούτε μία πρόσ

Καλά, δεν έχω γράψει, ούτε μία πρόσκληση.
Μόλις,κούρεψα και έκανα μπάνιο το σκυλάκι,με δάγκασε αρκετές φορές,αλλά είναι τόσο γλυκός. Όλα καλά με τον γιατρό μου, μου έδωσε κάποιες οδηγίες και θα είμαστε σε επαφή,εάν συμβεί το παραμικρό,φεύγει σήμερα για διακοπές, θα με δει στις 23/08. Σήμερα θα μείνω στο σπίτι,περιμένω τώρα την Μαίρη, να έρθει για να τις δώσω φαγητό. Τα κορίτσια μου είναι καλά,απλά θα δουλέψουν επί πλέον ώρες τις επόμενες 5 ημέρες,γιατί ο Κωστής θα πάει διακοπές. Εσύ, θέλω να μου πεις τι κάνεις? Πως αισθάνεσαι? Σε νιώθω τόσο κοντά μου και είσαι τόσο μακριά μου, ταυτόχρονα . Είμαι χειρότερη και από τα κορίτσια μου, περιμένω πάνω από το κινητό,για ένα σου μήνυμα.
Τώρα για την Έφη, νιώθω άβολα γιατί δεν είναι ειλικρινής μαζί μου. Ξέρω πολύ καλά, ότι η φιλία είναι προτεραιότητα μου,και πρέπει να συγχωρώ. Το σημαντικό είναι να βρω το κουράγιο να την προσεγγίσω , να την κατανοήσω και να την συγχωρέσω. Το μεγαλύτερο δώρο που μπορεί να προσφέρει ο φίλος είναι η προσοχή του και η παρουσία του. Ακούω μουσική.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Well, I haven't written, nor an invitation.Once, koyrepsa and I did the Doggie bathroom, with dagkase several times, but it is so sweet. All well with my doctor gave me some instructions and we'll be in touch if anything happens, leaves today for a vacation, you'll see me at 23/08. Today I'll stay at home, I now Mary, come to give food. My girls are well, just will work on most hours of the subsequent 5 days because kostis will go on holiday. You want to tell me what are you doing? How does it feel? To feel so close to me and you are so far from me, at the same time. I am worse and from my girls, I expect more from the mobile, for a message.Now for the Efi, I feel uncomfortable because they are not honest with me. I know very well, that friendship is my priority, and we must forgive. The important thing is to find the courage to approach, to understand and to forgive. The greatest gift we can offer the friend is his attention and his presence. I listen to music.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Well, I have not written, nor an invitation.
Once, shear and I had a bath the dog, with dagkase several times, but is so sweet. All is well with my doctor gave me some instructions and we will be in touch if anything happens, leaves today for a holiday, you will see me in 23/08. Today I stay at home now waiting for Mary to come to give the food. My girls are well, they will just work more hours in the next five days, because Kostis will go on holiday. You, I want you to tell me what you do; How do you feel? I feel so close to me and you're so far from me, once. I'm worse than my girls, I expect over the phone, for you a message.
Now for Effie, I feel uncomfortable because it is not honest with me. I know very well that friendship is my priority, and we must forgive. The important thing is to find the courage to reach out, to understand and to forgive. The greatest gift you can offer her boyfriend is the attention and presence. Listen to music.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Well, not for me, not an invitation.Just, I put my dog alpha sigma kappa gamma delta epsilon bath, several times, but he is so cute. Everything is good, my doctor gave me some instructions to contact us, if anything happens, leaving the holiday today, I see the 23 / 08. Today I will stay at home and wait for Marie to give them food. My girl is good, but they will be in the next 5 days the hour, because the Omega kappa sigma tau go on holiday. You want to tell me what you"re doing? How do you feel? I feel so close to me, you are so far away from me, at the same time. I am more than my girl, I have been waiting for your phone, a message.Now, I don"t feel well, why don"t you tell me the truth. I know very well that true friendship is my priority, I forgive you. It is important to find the courage to approach, to understand and forgive her. The greatest gift that can be offered to a friend is to note that he is present. Listen to the music。
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