Ο Δήμος να αποδεχθεί την παραχώρηση δουλείας διόδου και διεύλευσης των δημοτών και λοιπών επισκεπτών μέσω του ανωτέρω ακινήτου πλάτους τουλάχιστον 3 μέτρων προς την θάλασσα λαμβάνοντας σχετική απόφαση
The Municipality to accept concession slavery passage and entry at the citizens and other visitors through the above property width of at least 3 metres toward the sea taking a decision
The municipality accepted the concession diode slavery and a transit of citizens and other visitors through the above width property at least 3 meters to the sea, taking a decision
The city received delta epsilon iota lambda epsilon concession V sigma ETA diode and enslave stability and other tourists through the property of the width of at least 3 meters to decide the sea