Μαργαρίτα καλησπέρα. Μόλις επέστρεψα στο σπίτι μου από το νοσοκομείο ό μετάφραση - Μαργαρίτα καλησπέρα. Μόλις επέστρεψα στο σπίτι μου από το νοσοκομείο ό Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Μαργαρίτα καλησπέρα. Μόλις επέστρεψ

Μαργαρίτα καλησπέρα. Μόλις επέστρεψα στο σπίτι μου από το νοσοκομείο όπου επισκέφτηκα τον Νίκο .Του ζήτησα να μου δώσει το email σου γιατί με το sms είναι δύσκολο να σου γράψω αυτά που μου είπε να σου μεταφέρω.
Τα νέα από τους γιατρούς είναι περίεργα . Δεν μπορούν ούτε να εντοπίσουν ούτε να περιορίσουν την υψηλή πίεση. Το ευχάριστο είναι ότι σήμερα πέρασε επιτροπή από ψυχολόγους και ψυχιάτρους ,εξέτασαν περίπου δύο ώρες τον Νίκο και αποφάσισαν ότι δεν χρειάζεται πλέον την φαρμακευτική υποστήριξη και αρχίζουν την σταδιακή μείωση των φαρμάκων με στόχο σε δέκα ημέρες να τα σταματήσει εντελώς εκτός από ένα . Σκέψου από τα οκτώ στο ένα πόσο μεγάλη πρόοδο έχει κάνει και επιτέλους να φύγει από πάνω του αυτό το τέρας που λέγεται κατάθλιψη. Εμείς που τον ζούμε από κοντά όλα αυτά τα χρόνια δεν μπορείς να φανταστείς πόσο άδικο θεωρούσαμε ένας άνθρωπος σαν τον Διευθυντή μας να ταλαιπωρείται τόσο άσχημα .Οι γιατροί πιστεύουν ότι με το που σταματήσουν τα φάρμακα η πίεση θα επανέλθει και αυτή σταδιακά στα φυσιολογικά της επίπεδα. Του είπαν ότι σε μερικές ημέρες μπορεί να επιστρέψει στο σπίτι αλλά αυτός θέλει να γίνει εντελώς καλά και να φύγει από το νοσοκομείο έχοντας την άδεια να μπορεί να ταξιδέψει για να έρθει κοντά σου. Αν λοιπόν πάνε όλα καλά πιστεύει πως την ημερομηνία που σου είχε πει στις 28 θα ταξιδέψει . Όλα αυτά θα τα ξέρουμε σίγουρα σε μια εβδομάδα.
Θα ήθελα να σου ζητήσω συγνώμη γιατί δεν πρόλαβα να σου στείλω τα χρήματα που μου έδωσε ο Νίκος αλλά είχα σαν προτεραιότητα να στείλω τα δέμα με το τυρί και το λάδι αλλά και δυστυχώς και εδώ αποτύχαμε γιατί δεν έχει άλλο δρομολόγιο μέχρι 15/1 για Ουκρανία για τον λόγο ότι από 1 μέχρι 10 Ιανουαρίου τα τελωνεία στην πατρίδα σου κλείνουν . Θα ήθελα να μου γράψεις αν έχεις άλλη λύση στο μυαλό σου . Εγώ θα το έστελνα με μεταφορική εταιρεία και τα κιλά που ζυγίζει είναι 37.
Επίσης ο Νίκος μου ζήτησε μόλις έχεις παραλάβει όλα τα χρήματα να του βγάλεις εισιτήριο επιστροφής στις 17 Ιανουαρίου για να είναι στο Βόλο στις 18 κ 19 Ιανουαρίου που είναι νη γιορτή και τα γενέθλια του Θάνου .Αύριο θα μιλήσω με την πρεσβεία για την δική σου άδεια παραμονής και θα σε ενημερώσω για το τι θα γίνει . Επίσης στις 10 αύριο το πρωί θα πάω στο δικαστήριο όπου γίνεται η πρώτη δίκη για το διαζύγιο του με την Μαρία. Αν δεν υπάρξει κάποιο απρόοπτο το δεύτερο θα γίνει σε ένα μήνα οπότε στα μέσα Φεβρουάριου θα έχετε ξεμπερδέψει και με αυτό. Ελπίζω αύριο να μην μας επιφυλάσσει κάποια έκπληξη η κυρία Μαρία .
Αυτά προς το παρών δεν θυμάμαι κάτι άλλο . Μπορείς να μου γράψεις και να με ρωτήσεις ότι θέλεις. Εγώ θα είμαι συνέχεια σε επαφή μαζί σου να σε ενημερώνω . Η διαταγή του είναι σε ότι χρειαστείς να σε εξυπηρετήσω αμέσως . Πρέπει να σε αγαπάει πάρα πολύ .
Σε χαιρετούμε Σίμος και Χαρά (η συζυγός μου )
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Margarita good evening. Once I returned to my home from the hospital where I visited Nick. Asked him to give me your email because the sms is hard to write you what they told me to convey to you.
The news from the doctors is weird. Can neither identify nor restrict high pressure. The good news is that today passed committee of psychologists and psychiatrists,looked about two hours Nick and decided that they no longer support the pharmaceutical and begin the gradual reduction of drugs in order to ten days to stop them completely except one.Think of eight to one how much progress has been made and finally gone over it this monster called depression.We who live close all these years you can not imagine how unfair thought a man like Director beset us so badly.Doctors believe that the drugs that stop the pressure will return and this gradually to normal levels.He said that some days can return home but he wants to be completely well and leave the hospital having permission can travel to come near you.So if everything goes well he thinks the date you had told 28 will travel. All they will know for sure in a week.
I would like to apologize because I did not have to send you the money you gave me but I like Nick priority to send the parcel with cheese and oil but unfortunately we failed here because no otherup to 15/1 for Ukraine for the reason that from 1 to 10 January customs in your country are closing.I would like to write me if you have another solution in mind. I will sent you a transport company and the pounds you weigh is 37.
Also Nick asked me once you have received all the money to the churn return ticket on Jan. 17 to be in Volos 18 n January 19 is screen celebration and birthday Thanos.Tomorrow I will talk with the embassy for your own residence and will let you know what happens. Also at 10 tomorrow morning I will go to court where the first trial for his divorce with Maria.If there is some unexpected second will be in a month so in mid-February and you're done with it. I hope tomorrow holds for us not a surprise the lady Mary.
These are presently not remember anything else. Can you write me and ask me whatever you want. I'll then contact you to inform on. The order is that you need to be in service immediately.You must be in love too.
Salute Simos and Joy (my wife)
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Margaret good evening. I have just returned home from the Hospital where I visited Niko. asked him to give me your email because sms is difficult to write what he told me to convey.The news from the doctors is strange. Can neither detect nor to limit the high pressure. The good news is that today passed Committee by psychologists and psychiatrists,looked about two hours Niko and decided that you no longer need the pharmaceutical support and begin the gradual reduction of medications aimed at ten days to stop it completely except for one. Think of the eight in a how much progress has been made and finally gone over this monster called depression. We who live up-close all these years, you can't imagine how unfair would a man like our over-stressed Manager so badly.Doctors believe that by stopping the medications the pressure will come back and this gradually to normal. They told him that in a few days can return home but he wants to become completely well and gone from the hospital having permission to can travel to come near you. So if I go all well believes that the date that you had told me at 28 will travel. All of them will know for sure in a week.
I would like to apologize because I did not manage to send the money you gave me the Nick but I'd like a priority to send the parcel with the cheese and oil but also unfortunately and here we failed because we did not have any other up to 15/1 for Ukraine for the reason that from 1 till 10 January customs in your country. I would like to write me if you have another solution in mind. I will send with transportation company and the pounds you weigh is 37.
Also Nikos asked me once you have received all the money to get a return ticket on 17 January to be in Volos on 19 January 18 k that is NI celebration and birthday of Thanou.Tomorrow I will talk to the Embassy for your own permit and inform you what happens. Also at 10 tomorrow morning I will go to court where the first trial for divorce with Mary. Unless there is an unexpected second will be done in a month or so in mid-February you will have dealt with this. I hope tomorrow our not reserving some surprise the Lady Mary.
These currently do not remember anything else. You can write me and ask me what you want. I will be in contact with you to update. The order is in that you need to serve immediately. Must loves you too.
To greet Simos and Joy (his)
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Daisy good evening. As soon as I returned home from the hospital where i visited the Niko .i asked him to give me your email because the SMS is difficult to you write what he told me to tell you.The news from the doctors is bizarre. Can neither identify nor to reduce the high pressure. The good news is that today was commission by psychologists and psychiatrists ,Looked at approximately two hours and decided that it is no longer necessary to pharmaceutical support and begin the gradual reduction of medicinal products with a view to ten days to stop them completely apart from a .Just think of the eight in a how much progress has been made and finally to leave over this monster called depression.We who live by close all these years you can't imaing how unfair we thought somebody like our Director you're so bad.The doctors believe that it stop the medicines the pressure will return and this gradually to normal levels.He was told that in a few days can return home but he wants to be very good and to leave from the hospital having the authorization can be travelled to come near you.So, if all goes well he believes the date that you had said on 28 will travel . All this will certainly know in a week.
I would like to apologize for not proactive to you send the money given to me by Nikos but i had as a priority to send the bale with the cheese and the oil but, unfortunately, here we have failed because we do not have anotherUp to 15/1 for Ukraine for the reason that from 1 until 10 January the offices home closes.I would like to write me if you have another solution in my mind. I would i would with transport company and the kg weighing is 37.
Also Nikos asked me as soon as you have received all the money to forgo return ticket on 17 January to Volos on 18 k 19 January which is nh celebration and birthday Thanou .Tomorrow I will talk to the embassy for your own residence permit and will inform you of what will be done. Also on 10 tomorrow morning, I will go to court where the first trial for the divorce of the Maria.If there is any unexpected the second will be in a month so in mid February you ξεμπερδέψει and with this. I hope that tomorrow we can expect some surprise Mrs Maria .
For this I don't remember anything else. You can write me and ask that you want. I will be in contact with you to keep you informed. The order is that you might want to oblige as rapidly immediately.Must be loving too.In we welcome its catholicon, according to tradition and joy (my wife)
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