Γεια, με ενδιαφέρει το συγκεκριμένο προϊόν (model 216 55kw)Θα ήθελα να το αγοράσω. Τόπος προορισμού Ελλάδα, μπορείτε να μου πείτε πως θα μπορούσε να γίνει αυτό... Joseph manouselis
Hello, I am interested in this product (model 216 55kw) <br>I would like to buy. Place of destination Greece, can you tell me how it could be done ... Joseph manouselis
Hi, I am interested in the specific product (model 216 55kw)<br>I'd like to buy it. Place of destination Greece, can you tell me how this could be done... Joseph Manouselis
Hi, I'm interested in this product (model 216 55kw)<br>I'd like to buy it. Place of destination Greece, can you tell me how this could be done... Joseph Manuselis.<br>