Ό,τι σπέρνεις θερίζεις,λέει μία Ελληνική παροιμία. Αυτή η έκφράση, μας θυμίζει,τι πρέπει να προσδοκάμε από το μέλλον μας. Μας φέρνει αντιμέτωπους με τις ευθύνες μας, τα λάθη μας αλλά και τις προσδοκίες μας. Το μέλλον καθορίζεται αποκλειστικά και μόνο από εμάς, από τις επιλογές μας και τις συνειδητές πράξεις μας. Ο πόνος που προκαλέσαμε, έστω και ακούσια, η έλλειψη ευαισθησίας, θα μας επιστραφούν στο ακέραιο. Η δικαιοσύνη θα έλθει, σε χρόνο ίσως ανύποπτο, αλλά πάντως με τρόπο ξεκάθαρο και καθηλωτικό. Αυτός που πλήγωσε θα βρεθεί, κάποια απροσδιόριστη στιγμή, να κοιτάει τις δικές του ανοιχτές πληγές και να ψάχνει εξηγήσεις. Η ώρα της αυτοκριτικής, αργά ή γρήγορα, θα φτάσει και ο πέλεκυς της δικαιοσύνης θα είναι αμείλικτος.
Γιατί άραγε, σου τα λέω όλα αυτά?
Γιατί άραγε ,σου ανοίγω , την ψυχή και την καρδιά μου?
Γιατί,άργησες τόσο πολύ να έρθεις στην ζωή μου?
Γιατί να ζείς σε μία άλλη Ήπειρο?
Γιατί δεν μπορώ να σε αγγίξω?
What you sow in full bloom, says a Greek proverb. This ekfrasi, reminds us, what to expect from our future. Confronts us with our responsibilities, our mistakes as well as our expectations. The future determined solely by us, by our choices and informed our actions. The pain they caused, even unintentionally, the lack of sensitivity, we will be refunded in full. Justice will come, in time perhaps unsuspected, but with how clear and riveting. He who has hurt you will find some unspecified time, admiring his own open sores and looking for explanations. The time of self-criticism, sooner or later, will arrive and the axe of Justice will be unforgiving.Why, I am telling you all this?Why does OpenDNS, soul and my heart;Why are you late so much to come in my life;Why do you live in another Continent?Why can't I get in touch?Why, why ...?
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Whatever you sow reaping says one Greek proverb. This expression reminds us, what should we anticipate our future. It confronts us with our responsibilities, our mistakes and our expectations. The future is determined solely by us, by our choices and our conscious actions. The pain you have caused, even involuntarily, the insensitivity, refunded us in full. Justice will come, in time perhaps unsuspected, but nevertheless clearly and riveting. He who hurt you found some unspecified time, facing its own open wounds and looking explanations. The time of self-criticism, sooner or later, will reach and the ax of justice will be relentless.
Why, I say all this;
Why, I open thee, my soul and heart;
Why took you so long to come to my life;
Why you live in another continent;
Why can not touch you;
why, why ...;
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Sow what is the harvest, say a Greek proverb. This kappa Phi Rho ETA sigma, remind us that what should PI Rho / sigma delta kappa epsilon mu / from our future. Give us our responsibility, our mistakes, but with our expectations. The future is entirely determined by our choices, our choices, our conscious actions. We cause the pain, even if it is unintentional, the lack of sensitivity, we return the integer. Justice will be possible at any time, but the way of clear and riveting. He found me, some uncertain times, looking at his wounds and looking for explanations. In time of self criticism, sooner or later, we will reach our justice and the axe is relentless.Why are you telling you this?Do not know why, my soul and you, my heart?Why did it take so long to come to my life?Why live in another continent?Why can"t I touch you?Why, why...?
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..