My sweet baby, i'm from the home of Athens to go to the small hut me in Sfakaki. i feel the need to be away from the city even for a few hours.) i have to think carefully about some things,To ξετυλίξω twine those convoluted my feelings before going off in my mind. Here I have no electricity or water. That is why I will not be able to tell you good morning the usual time this morning.Don't think even a moment that you had the love that i have for you. No, unequivocally. To love the world to ruin. But i need to recover the lost my nerve,Because I have not been nor a drop wisdom, I have in my mind throughout the day and this is limiting factor for my other obligations.To remind myself that I am not a casual ερωτοχτυπημένη teenager anymore. I am a mature woman, mother, professional, and her simultaneously. Very her simultaneously, do not forget this.I repeat with clearer voice very her. To sideline the sweet πολυαγαπημένη my Linda
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