Ναι ,ήταν ωραία χθες το βράδυ,αλλά δεν μπορούσα να ξυπνήσω το πρωί.Μαθ μετάφραση - Ναι ,ήταν ωραία χθες το βράδυ,αλλά δεν μπορούσα να ξυπνήσω το πρωί.Μαθ Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Ναι ,ήταν ωραία χθες το βράδυ,αλλά

Ναι ,ήταν ωραία χθες το βράδυ,αλλά δεν μπορούσα να ξυπνήσω το πρωί.
Μαθαίνω,μαθαίνω τόσα πολλά πράγματα από εσένα,έρχονται στιγμές που νομίζω ότι σε ξέρω,
έρχονται όμως στιγμές που προσγειώνομαι και σκέφτομαι, όλα εκείνα που ταιριάζουμε και όλα εκείνα που είμαστε διαφορετικοί,γιατί Ralph, η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν σε ξέρω,όπως βέβαια και εσύ δεν ξέρεις εμένα. Εκτιμώ βαθύτατα,την κατανόηση σου,την απλότητα σου,το χιούμορ σου,την αποφασιστικότητα σου,την ζεστασιά σου,την ειλικρίνεια των λέξεων σου, την καλοσύνη σου,αλλά δεν έχουμε ζήσει σχεδόν τίποτε εμείς οι δύο.
Θέλω τόσο πολύ να βρεθώ κοντά σου,να σε δω στα μάτια,να σε αγκαλιάσω, να σε φιλήσω, να σε νιώσω δικό μου,να σου μεταφέρω όλα τα συναισθήματα μου για σένα.
Θα γίνει, θα γίνει και αυτό και ο χρόνος θα δείξει πως μπορούμε να προχωρήσουμε.
Θα μπορούσα λοιπόν να ακούσω μουσική μαζί σου και τον φίλο σου τον Χοσέ?
Χαίρομαι,γιατί αυτό δηλώνει, ότι μπορείς να με βάλεις στην ζωή σου.
Καταλαβαίνω ότι η μουσική είναι μέσο έκφρασης συναισθημάτων και βιωμάτων.
Για μένα, η μουσική μου υπενθυμίζει, πως είμαι άνθρωπος και πως όλοι οι άνθρωποι πάνω στη γη είναι αδέρφια μου,και δεν έχω να χωρίσω τίποτα μα τίποτα μαζί τους.
Στην ζωή μου,είναι κάποια πράγματα που δεν ανέχομαι,ούτε διαπραγματεύομαι.
Κάποια από αυτά είναι η αδικία,το ψέψα και η υποκρισία. Τέλος για σήμερα.
Να περάσεις όμορφα το βράδυ,στο γεύμα φαγητού που θα έχεις.
Εγώ, έχει ένα αφιέρωμα στον Βιμ Βέντερς, στο λιμάνι της Θεσσαλονίκης,θα πάω να δω πάλι μία από τις ταινίες του, ίσως το Παρίσι-Τέξας(μου αρέσει πολύ η μουσική).
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Yes, it was fine last night, but I couldn't wake up in the morning.Learn, learn so many things from you, there are times when I think I know,but come moments that touch down and think about it, all those that we and all those who are different, because Ralph, the truth is that you don't know, as of course and you don't know me. I deeply appreciate, your understanding, your simplicity, your humor, your determination, your warmth, sincerity of your words, your goodness, but we have not lived almost anything we both. I want so much to be near you, to see you in the eyes, to hug, Kiss, to feel my own, can I transfer all my feelings for you.I do, I do and this and time will tell how we can move forward.I could therefore hear music with you and your friend Jose;I'm glad, because it indicates that you can put in your life.I understand that music is a means of expressing emotions and experiences.For me, the music reminds me that I am a man and that all people on earth are my brothers, and I have to divide anything but nothing with them.In my life, are some things that I cannot tolerate, nor negotiate.Some of them are injustice, psepsa and hypocrisy. Finally for today. To spend beautiful evening, lunch food that I got.I, is a tribute to Wim Wenders, in the port of Thessaloniki, will go to see again one of his movies, maybe Paris-Texas (I love music).
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Yes, it was good last night, but I could not get up in the morning.
I learn, I learn so many things from you, come moments when I think I know,
but come moments that touch down and think about it, everything that we match and everything that we are different, because Ralph, the truth is that I do not know, as of course you do not know me. We deeply, your understanding, your simplicity, your humor, your determination, your warmth, the sincerity of your words, your kindness, but we have not lived almost nothing we two.
I want so much to be closer to you, to see you in the eyes, to hug, to kiss, to feel in my own, to convey you all my feelings for you.
It will be, will be done and this time will show how we can proceed.
I could then hear music with you and your friend Jose;
Glad, because it indicates that you can put on in your life.
I understand that music is a means of expressing emotions and experiences.
For me, the music reminds me that I am human and that all people on earth are my brothers, and I have not break anything but nothing with them.
In my life, some things do not tolerate or negotiate.
Some of them are the injustice, the psepsa and hypocrisy. End for today.
Have beautiful night at food meal would have.
I has a tribute to Wim Wenders at the port of Thessaloniki, I will go see again one of his films, perhaps Paris-Texas (I love music).
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Yes, it was good, but I couldn't wake up last night.I study, I learned a lot of things, when you come, I think I know,But when I came, I thought everything was different from us, because Ralph, the truth is, I don't know you, of course, you don't know me. I am deeply grateful for your understanding, your simplicity, your humor, your determination, your warmth, your words of sincerity, your kindness, but we do not have the life of almost no, the two of us.I want to be close to you, to see your eyes, to hold you tight, to kiss you, to feel you, you're going to be with me.You will, you will and this time will tell us how to move forward.So I can listen to music, and you together, and your friend Jose?I am very happy, because it means that you can put it in your life.I know that music is a means of expression, and beta iota Omega Mu tau Omega V mood.For me, music reminds me that my people, all of the people on earth are my brothers and I are divorced and have nothing to do with them.In my life, there are things that can't be tolerated, and not what I said.These are not fair, I psi alpha and hypocrisy. At the end of today.Spend the beautiful evening in the food you eat.I have a beta tau epsilon V P Vimy tribute in the port of Thessaloniki, I went to see a movie, maybe Paris Texas (I really love my music).
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